


I came under Marcin's wings completely by accident, looking for professional support and help. Now I know that I was very lucky that we were able to meet. I came after a serious illness, major surgery, over 20 kilos underweight and really no training knowledge. Hoping that I could be turned into a normal human being - Many didn't make it. It didn't scare Marcin. He just said it would be hard ... and it was. But really, after 4 months, we made up for half the missing weight, where it is mostly muscle mass. Strength has increased several times, not to mention the very knowledge of posture, diet and training, which is rolled out at each workout. We're still fighting because we have something to fight for. Sometimes it is weaker day , but there is progress all the time. If you ask me is it worth cooperating with Martin and the whole Bodybulwark team? It's definitely: Yes! They help me change my life and I really succeed. Ps: It will be hard but also from the hell of satisfaction with the work done;)


Before I found myself under Martin's wings, I was quite physically active and nourished myself healthy, but despite the exercises and changes on my own, my figure remained far from my expectations. Under Martin's eye, thanks to joint training and a set diet, my figure began to change, from week to week my figure changed, and it gave kick and motivation for further training.



Since Marcin took up my nutrition, I completely changed my eating habits and lost 22 kg for the moment without the effects of yo-yo and other surprises that happened to me in my frontal approaches to losing weight. I expected that I would have to deny myself everything I like, meanwhile, the amount of food decreased almost imperceptibly, and the meals were adapted to what I like. I would recommend.

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Very good and competent physiotherapist. My assessment is very positive. Specific conversation about ailments during the first visit along with a detailed examination. Manual therapy a little painful but at the end of the half-hour visit I felt that buttock pain was reduced by half. I could go down the stairs normally. In addition, recommended home exercises also have an effect. I highly recommend.



I came to Mr. Adam by chance. At first I was skeptical because I had many specialists with my back problems. After a short interview, he began examining and assessing my attitude. He outlined the likely causes of my ailments. Already after the first visit I felt a slight improvement, and the subsequent ones brought better and better results. He recommended me a few exercises and noted me about correct sitting posture. I have not felt discomfort for several months. I highly recommend.


I have been intensively attending the gym for 4 years. Recently, I have experienced severe pain when doing deadlift. I thought it was the fault of the wrong position, but unfortunately the problem deepened, I could not run more than 1 km then I felt discomfort in the buttock. Mr. Adam quickly diagnosed the problem during his first visit. Already the first visit brought relief. Now after the therapy I still use the stretching exercises that Adam showed me. I highly recommend.

Do you have any questions?


Mr. Adam is a wonderful man. From the first visit you can see that he is a rehabilitation therapist by vocation. Involved and listening to the patient and meeting his needs. He helped me a lot in the rehabilitation of the two-headed thigh muscle, and also shared some important tips on how to properly stretch after running. I recommend with a clean heart. I am still happy to use his services. Best regards.

Jak działamy?

Jak działamy?

Jak działamy?

1. Consultations

Consultations with a trainer and physiotherapist. Together we set the goal and the means how we will achieve it.

2. Plan

We create an individually selected training and nutrition plan for you.

3. Training

You start training according to previous, carefully described arrangements.

4. Control

We check your progress at every stage so that you can achieve the best results

Dlaczego my?

An experienced team

An experienced team

We are a group of specialists from various fields, thanks to which we complement each other with knowledge. Our earlier professional experience reasult that we have developed an optimal path to work with our clients. Personal trainer, dietitian, physiotherapist - the whole team is at your disposal!

see our team
Versatile service

Versatile service

We are characterized by a holistic approach to each issue to make the most of our opportunities. Thanks to the implementation of extensive knowledge, training techniques and work tools from many different fields, we can comprehensively ensure the implementation of your training goals.

check what you get
Guaranteed effect

Guaranteed effect

We will make sure that our joint work and commitment result in effects that will exceed your initial expectations. We will achieve the goals in an effective but above all safe way for your body.

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