
First of all, we would like to point out that by contacting us in any form, you agree to be contacted by us. At the same time, it is not necessary for you to provide full personal data in the contact form.

Personal Training

1. The Bodybulwark customer can be any adult who has legal capacity. In the case of minors, the consent of the parents or legal guardian is required for the purpose.

2. Due to the quality of services offered, all arrangements with Bodybulwark are made using the contact phone number or email provided on the website or via a trainer after confirmation by a person responsible for coordinating the classes.

3. Joining the Bodybulwark personnel training must be preceded by the presentation of medical examinations. These tests should be ordered by the attending GP or other attending specialist. The clinic should have a certificate of no contraindications to undertake physical activity. If the client is under the care of a physiotherapist or physiotherapist other than Bodybulwark, he should consult the type of physical activity and what exactly exercises he can do. In the event of unusual abnormalities during training, the Customer may be asked to seek additional medical consultation.

4. If the Customer fails to perform the above-mentioned tests or consultations or fails to provide the abovementioned certificate or recommendations (medical, physiotherapy, rehabilitation), he takes full responsibility in the event of any health complications.

5. The customer is obliged as part of a survey or consultation to inform the personal trainer about any health ailments, in order to match the appropriate exercise type and intensity.

6. The customer is required to clearly define the training goals. If your goal is to change your body composition or to get specific training goals, you may need a diet consultation and recommended diet.

7. The client is obliged to follow the instructions of the trainer.

8. In the event that the Customer uses the services of a dietitian / nutritional counselor other than Bodybulwark, he should present a nutrition plan to match the training to the diet.

9. The client should appear at the appointed place and time on time. It is recommended that you arrive 15 minutes early to warm up yourself. At the client's request, the trainer can warm up within the training time. In the case of a personal training studio, due to time constraints, the warm-up is carried out within the training time by the leading trainer.

10. Training schedule is set after consultation with the Client for a "weekly period". (i.e., days of the week and training start times). This schedule is valid for the period of the settlement week or for other free periods.

11. If it is necessary to cancel or change the date of the training as part of the training schedule, the change should be made at least 24 hours before the planned training. Otherwise, the training will be deemed to have been carried out.

12. Personal training generally lasts 60 minutes, depending on the training assumptions or according to individual arrangements. In the event of a late delay on the part of the customer, he will not be extended by the time of lateness.

13. Paid training sessions are valid for 40 days from the time of payment or the start of a new contractual billing period, as a rule, it is a monthly deadline. In the case of fees for a period longer than one month, individual arrangements will apply, as a rule, the reference period plus one third of its duration. If you cannot use the purchased training package, you can resell it or give it to a third party.

14. In the event when personal trainings taking place in gyms or fitness clubs cooperating with Bodybulwark, the Customer is obliged to pay any entry fee and comply with the building's regulations. This fee is not included in the cost of personal training.

15. Payments have be made in advance, at the latest on the day of the first training.

16. Fees can be made by bank transfer or cash with the trainer. In the case of transfers, the booking time counts, please plan the transfers so that the booking time falls one day before the first training.


Wypróbuj Bodybulwark

We train in fitness clubs and gyms throughout Łódź, we can also train at your home or in another place of your choice.

Umów się na trening

Jak działamy?

Jak działamy?

Jak działamy?

1. Consultations

Consultations with a trainer and physiotherapist. Together we set the goal and the means how we will achieve it.

2. Plan

We create an individually selected training and nutrition plan for you.

3. Training

You start training according to previous, carefully described arrangements.

4. Control

We check your progress at every stage so that you can achieve the best results

Dlaczego my?

An experienced team

An experienced team

We are a group of specialists from various fields, thanks to which we complement each other with knowledge. Our earlier professional experience reasult that we have developed an optimal path to work with our clients. Personal trainer, dietitian, physiotherapist - the whole team is at your disposal!

see our team
Versatile service

Versatile service

We are characterized by a holistic approach to each issue to make the most of our opportunities. Thanks to the implementation of extensive knowledge, training techniques and work tools from many different fields, we can comprehensively ensure the implementation of your training goals.

check what you get
Guaranteed effect

Guaranteed effect

We will make sure that our joint work and commitment result in effects that will exceed your initial expectations. We will achieve the goals in an effective but above all safe way for your body.

see the opinions of our customers